Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Crack Rock or Wicked Jumpshot

If you’re white and you like this it doesn’t make you racist. If you’re a black dude and this upsets you….Oh well, it’s the truth. Drugs, sports and rapping seems to be ambition for most black guys today. The drug game brings in money, sports bring in money, and rapping brings in money.The one thing neither one of these bring in is stability. Why is it that people want to step out on the shakiest foundation and then are surprised when they fall? Why do these things seem like the only career paths for young black men. Don’t get me wrong I’m not saying not to have dreams, but have realistic dreams and have a back up for your dreams. Drugs are illegal and the possibility of someone making it pro in a sport or big in rapping is slim. I admire my good friends Phonso Ellis and Terrance Cosby. They have dreams in their respective sports and can go to the next level but yet they still secure with back-up plans if they don’t make it and by back up plans I mean EDUCATION!!!! Education seems to be a word that young black men are afraid of and this isnt me just talking and knowing what I’m talking about. Check the numbers on how many of us graduate from high school, the numbers on how many of us to college and then how many of us actually graduate from college. Then we complain when we cant get ahead in life, when the question is how can we get ahead when we don’t have the essential tool for us to. The things that I’ve come to find out is that our culture is so caught up in instant gratification and the thing with education is that it’s not instant, it’s a process. A process that many don’t want to take because there is nothing it for them at that time. I mean even Lil Wayne has a college degree in English. Drugs, rapping and sports brings fame, recognition, and possibly money. The keyword though of that last statement though is POSSIBLY, which means there’s a chance it won’t come. And like I said the possibility of that money coming is very unlikely. So what do you do when it doesn’t come? How long are you staying with your mama? How do you support yourself? How do you suport a family? How can you be a man when you don’t know where your going in life. Moral of this blog: Go against the grain. Better back yourself up.

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