Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Poem: Chasing You

I chase you but still don’t know how far I have left to go to see you, or if I ever will. I can only see you in my mind, in my sleep, just waiting for the day your existence is my reality. You keep me humble but yet anxious. You give me reason to live, but yet the thought of you kills me sometimes, but yet I chase you, I commit to you hoping that you will be with me one day. Hoping that my visions of you don’t go in vain. You get my blood flowing, my heart racing and my mind thinking and that’s what encourages me to run after you, to fiend for you because once I get you, the prophecy of my life is complete. The destination in which I have longed to reach, I have finally arrived. The prize in which I strived so long in life to have, I have finally received and the beauty of it all is that it makes my life complete. And that is why I chase DREAM.

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