Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Dark Knight Feeling

“Dark Knight feeling, you die you’ll be a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become a villain”
Dark Knight feeling. A feeling of living your life trying to do the best you can and making the best name for yourself to only have try to ruin your name. So now we find ourselves in the twisted web of our death making us loved by people for our lives and the person we are, but if we keep living those same people will make us out into a villain. But hey, if they did it to Jesus and Batman what makes us think we are excempt.

Dark Knight feeling…Maybe we become a villain because no matter how good we are, how much good we do and how good our rep is, there are still people that will drag us through the mud. With that happening we have no choice but to be a villain. To let a wrath loose on everything and everybody that unreasonably comes against us to the point where we are viewed as a villain because of our change of demeanor.

Dark Knight feeling...The feeling of being tired of always being there for others when no one is there for you, so you develop a mentality of being there for yourself only and cursing all of those against you. Not really caring about much and turning cold, which is going the total opposite of who you are.

It’s funny how living and dying perceive what you will be remembered for and as, but oh well, that’s just the Dark Knight feeling. Not a hero because I’m not dead so I guess I’ll have to play the villain.

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