Thursday, March 10, 2011

X Factor of Trust

“I love you.”…. When we say that what is included in that word love. Is it you are attractive to me, I think about you all the time, is it I want to spend my life with you etcetera, etcetera. The key thing that needs to come out of the statement “I Love You” is that I am going to trust you. The essential thing is that there can’t be any love if there is no trust, because to say you love someone is saying that you’re going to give them all of you, your heart and soul and trust that they won’t fail you, it’s pretty much sacrificing all of you to the other person. If you can’t trust the person you’re with then there can be no love. Trust is the key component. Attraction, lust and chemistry are nice and all but the prime factor has to be trust but trust is the scariest part of it because it leaves us vulnerable because of how much of ourselves we give to that person and that is why trust shows true love. Yes we find it hard to trust another human being with ourselves because we know that we as humans mess up every day and that’s why it’s scary to trust someone to not mess up with us. So the question is, can we truly trust anyone? Call this the X factor. Moral of this blog: Love doesn’t exist without trust.

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