Thursday, March 10, 2011

Simple Beauty

“Sweat pants, hair tied, chillin’ with no make-up on. That’s when your prettiest hope you don’t take this wrong.”

This has to one of the truest things that has ever been said. Simplicity is the key to any women’s beauty. Yes a woman that is dressed up is attractive, but a woman that doesn’t indulge in all the superficiality of beauty, lives in the simplicity of life and beauty itself is the sexiest creature God has ever created. Honestly, no guy like a girl that always stays with make up on, guys love simple appearance. The simplicity of the appearance gives off the vibe of relaxation and gives a guy that mentality of looking at his girl as his best friend for real. Ladies feel that they always have to be dolled up to impress their guy, but when just relaxing with him or relaxing with him and his friends, a guy just wants a simple girl. When you look at it all simple girls will most of the time keep their relationship because their man looks at them as their true companion because of the simple company she provides. The complex girls caught in superficial glamour of always being made-up, coached out and hair always having to be done, will always be alone because most guys honestly don’t want all that. Most guys when looking for a girl to be within the long run look for that simple girl. Simple when it comes to beauty, simple when it come to attitude and simple when it comes to life. Simple girls have simple attitudes. It’s not the material, it’s the not the glamour that drives them, but being that true, true best friend to their guy is what they strive for and in the end that is what their guy will love and appreciate the most and love the most out of their girl is when that is their demeanor and that is why women are the most beautiful when they are not dressed up.  Moral of this blog: Simplicity= Sexiness

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