Thursday, March 10, 2011

The 80/20 Fallacy

In relationship we are all aware of the 80/20 rule. The rule that states that the person you’re with can give you no more than 80% of what you need/want and the other 20% lies in others outside of the relationship. The thing is can we really accept the fact that the person we are in a relationship with is only suppose to give us 80% of what we need. Let’s take it to another level, let’s take it to marriage since this is where the rule is used the most. Is your spouse is really suppose to only give you 80% of what you need and leave your mind to wonder about the other 20. I don’t think so. To avoid the 80/20 rule all that is needed is one thing….COMMUNICATION. The things that we would like for our counter parts to do or change, is all about communicating that to them. If we want them to change their attitude, we communicate that to them! If we want them to change how they show affection, we communicate that to them! If we want to try to work on a physical aspect(within reason), we communicate that to them! The older generation says personal, face to face communication is a lost art with us. In part due to the rising advances in technology of communicating. Then on being the receiving end of this we also must be able to make our counter parts feel that we can be the 100% that they need and not give their minds time to wonder about the 20 because there isn’t a 20% if 100% is already present. It is our duty to strive to give our absolute best, to strive for excellence. To strive to make sure that without a doubt the other person knows that we want to do so much and more for them, but we don’t do this as humans. We get complacent with being the 80 and feel our work is done and feel that 100% is unobtainable. How can we judge what is unobtainable if we don’t try to obtain it? We feel that they won’t leave us, but when they do, we are left looking stupid. With all this presented it bring me to the premise that the doctrine of the 80/20 rule isn’t a rule at all, but in all retrospect it is a full blown fallacy and even more of an excuse. An excuse to be unfaithful, an excuse to lie, an excuse for us to hold back from giving all of ourselves because we feel we can or we are suppose to only give or do so much, an excuse to venture outside the yard and see for ourselves what else is out there. Realistically there is no 80/20 but the lazy and complacent vs. inspired and desireful spirits of our selves. Moral of this blog: Go against the numbers.

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