Thursday, March 10, 2011

Passion, Pain, Pleasure

Passion, Pain, Pleasure….Not talking about Trey Songz album and how it went through stages of relationships but it’s much deeper than that. Passion, Pain and Pleasure are the stages of life itself. We start off as a young child with no worries and no cares and our passion for life is at an all time high. We are just as natural to the world as clouds are to the sky. We live not stressed, not hassled but with a calmness about us makes life like heaven. After these years there comes the pain. The pain of responsibility, the pain of relationships, the pain of let downs and it leaves us lost in this place that we once used to wonder mindlessly and freely in. We are now held hostage and enslaved in our minds to the world and things of it. We are now the captives of life instead of captivating life. So through the struggle we spend our days thinking of the future and when we will once be free again like we once were and that leads to the Pleasure. Now pleasure can be broken into two cycles. The first is the pleasure of making it through the pain and being free and having life in the palm of our hands instead of being held by life. The second part of Pleasure is death, a bit twisted I know. The pleasure of death is knowing that we can completely once again be free and reach a place that has no struggles and turmoil, but everlasting peace and that is heaven, at least for most of us it is. Moral of this blog: Life is a roller coaster, but the destination we reach is better than the ride.

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