Thursday, June 27, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The day you become complacent is the day you get passed. The day you become comfortable is the day you make yourself replaceable. This applies to every aspect of life(career, relationships, sports, etc.). The drive to grow should never die. The grind for betterment should be a lifestyle. -KJ Hilliard-

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Playing sports in my life I've realized a lot of people are good. In this life we all live. Thing is in life just like sports, a lot people just go through the motions. Just getting by, settling for good enough instead of great. People settle for just good lives, just good careers, just good families, just good relationships.... All this settling for good why not strive for GREAT in everything. Good is easy so I guess that's why. Only a few want to be GREAT... Are you one????

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Manology May Day 29

As a child, I thought as a child, spoke as a child and acted as a child. When I became a man I put behind me those childish ways. -The Bible- 

Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Manology May Day 28

Manology May Day 28..... No kids from me for some years, but when my wife does tell me she is pregant, I'll share these same sentiments.... #DeepWords #DeepPic

Sunday, May 26, 2013

Manology May Day 26

Be that man your son can look to as the standard to what he wants to become.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Manology May Day 24

Manology May Day 23

A man will only mistreat, disrespect and misuse a woman to the degree she allows him to.

Manology May Day 22

Manology May Day 22 attacks the actions mental aspects of some men in relationships. Song in the background is a instrumental of  Drake's "Trust Issues".

Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Manology May Day 21

As men we're trained to never show weakness. Never show when something bothers us. To just get over things. My challenge to you tonight, if you have a girlfriend/wife or even if you don't have those, call up a close friend and just talk to them about something that's affected you in life that you've held in, or something that affects you now. A night to be real. A night to be strong in your weakness. 

Monday, May 20, 2013

Manology May Day 20

A man thinks of how his present moves affects the lifestyle of his future or present family, and also himself.

Extra Manology

What good is it to gain accomplishment after accomplishment without the heart of a special woman to share it with? Like Drake said "What's a star when his most important fan is missing?"

Manology May Day 19

As a man, the main thing that gains us respect is our character. People respect you if you stand for something and aim for more. What do you stand for? What are you aiming at? 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Thursday, May 16, 2013

Manology May Day 16

Humorous pic I made, but it's true. Many men enjoy the nattural beauty of a woman. All that other stuff is false advertising. Be natural, be you and be beautiful. That's the sexiest woman to a man.

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Manology May Day 15

If you put your hands on a woman, your man card is revoked at the point and time. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Manology May Day 14

Modern Mixture

Taking time out to give my endorsement of another blog. If you are into fashion, you should go check out This site is one which goes through many displays of fashion. Looking at the urban and urban and edgy side of fashion that is not really exposed .

How this relates to Manology. Every Man should want to be well presented and dressed. always knowing what can make you stand out from the rest is a very great attribute to have. So if you are wanting the heads up on fashion do's and don't's, go check out, to make you aware. There will be a male section coming soon.

Saturday, May 11, 2013

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Manoligy May Day 9

Famous sculptors, and painters are all known for their art. Through certain designs, or paint patterns people are able to differentiate them from others, or their work from fakes. As a man what will be your definition? What will be the thing that makes you stand out from the others? Most importantly what will define and separate you as a real man and not an imposter? Find your niche'. Define yourself.

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Manology May Day 8

Be the man you:
Want your son to be. 

Want your daughter to date

Want your dad to treat your mother. 

Want others to know forever as someone who impacted them. 

As a man you should consider and want to be all of these things.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Manology May Day 7

In a month I'll be 23. Hard to fathom every time I sit and think. Recapping on the life I've had since 13 and coming up to 23, just leaves me thinking about the last decade of my life. Since the age of 13 I've had my share of trials from my mom being diagnosed with failing kidneys  To seeing her have to take dialysis,. To having her get a transplant to only having my grandfather die the following year. My own personal trials, and then my parents divorcing this past August. This has been a rough decade to say the least. 

During this time there was a time, I turned away from God. Within the past two years I turned away from love, and taught myself to be emotionless. I then put all focus into myself. Sitting here and looking back on that I realize how empty I was. I removed myself from God for a moment, and then I removed myself from loving or accepting love, and all I had was myself.

The lesson I came to grasp is no matter how hard times get, there are two things as a man you can never remove out your life and those are God and love. God is the ultimate man that guides us and helps us through times. Although blinded we may be at times to see it, that's where our faith comes from.

Notice love is the second thing. As a man you say, you don't need love as a man. I say you tell that to the boy who goes life without his father, or the husband whose wife has died, or just a guy who knows he's missing out on love from a previous relationship. This society teaches us to be tough, and untouchable, but to deny yourself the touch of love sentences you to internal unsatisfactions. For a while I denied that touch, and denied to reach out and touch.

God and Love. The two things that we as men should allow to influence our life, and influence others. Just accepting one isn't good enough, and it's impossible to have one without the other. So today I challenge you to allow God and love to work in you. and accept the impact they both can have on you has a person, both now and in the future. 

Manology May Day 6

 "There comes a time in a man's life where he must take responsibility for choices he has made. There are certain things he must do. Certain things he must say." -The Weeknd "Valerie"-

Manology May day 5

 "There comes a time in a man's life where he must take responsibility for choices he has made. There are certain things he must do. Certain things he must say." -The Weeknd "Valerie"-

Manology May Day 4

 "There comes a time in a man's life where he must take responsibility for choices he has made. There are certain things he must do. Certain things he must say." -The Weeknd "Valerie"-

Manology May day 3

 "There comes a time in a man's life where he must take responsibility for choices he has made. There are certain things he must do. Certain things he must say." -The Weeknd "Valerie"-

Manology May Day 2

 "There comes a time in a man's life where he must take responsibility for choices he has made. There are certain things he must do. Certain things he must say." -The Weeknd "Valerie"-

Manology May Day 1: May 1st 2013


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